Posts from "September 2010"

To Date or Not to Date?

Today's Christian parents and teens are totally bombarded with the "dating scene." As a pastor, it is obvious to me that many parents are groping about wildly like a blind monkey in a room full of bananas trying to gain some measure of control over their teens' dating habits or views of dating. Other Christian parents appear just to have thrown up their hands and taken the "Johnny is an adult now and has to learn to make it on his own and pay for his own decisions" approach. Still others seem genuinely perplexed and confused on where to draw lines and how to find balance between loving protection and assisting teens in becoming responsible adults.

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The Women of Farmville

ABCs "Good Morning America" ran a story this morning about the epidemic known as Farmville. For those of you as blissfully ignorant as I, Farmville is an on-line game where players manage farms, crops, animals, etc. and earn virtual coins for harvesting crops, and so on.

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Signs of Backsliding

A friend posted this to his FB page recently, and I thought it was well worth sharing. Adapted from the Puritan Richard Owen Roberts, here are "20 Signs You May Be Backsliding."

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