
Three scenarios women never refer to as gossip..

1. Young married lady to her momma (in a high pitched voice)
Momma i just can't take it anymore. U got to pray for him. His sins are serious momma. He knows how hard i work but he never jumps in...he just sits around like a king while i slave day and night.
Mommas back...well i knew that man was no good. I am going to pray for God to deal with him...teach how to live right like us.
This can be filled in with dozens of scenarios..no matter how u cut the cheese...its gossip.
2...young married wife to friend..(same one from above) (high pitched voice)
I cannot stand the way my momma treats my husband (u mean the one u convinced your momma was a dog) she thinks she knows everything...she puts him down something awful. I have had It.
Friend..i am gonna pray for God to make your momma better. She should not be talking bout people that way. Oh my word..that woman is gonna reap what she sows.
3. Young married woman (same one with same high pitched voice) talking to.her friend about her friend
I cannot stand the way she judges people. I.just need counsel...how to deal with friends who gossip and try to turn me against my momma. Please tell me what to do (shut up comes to mind)
Friend...women can be so hard on other women. God understands that there r times we just need to vent. He gets it. I will pray for God to deal with her judgemental heart.
Obviously some ridiculous stuff here but make no mistake we have all gossiped in the name of venting concern counsel...the list goes on and on.
Ephesians 4:29...let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth except but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers.
STOP IT..stop tearing down...stop harming with your words... God is listening...every idle word... praying we honor God in every way with our speech.