Livingstone's Legacy
Today my sister called and reminded me that this is the 200th anniversary of the birth of David Livingstone. If you have no idea who he was, then take some time and learn!
Parents, seize this event to educate your children on the value of a life lived in sacrificial love for Jesus and unreached peoples. Even during his lifetime, the London Missionary Society who had sent Livingstone to Africa began to question the value of his activity. David was quite the explorer and spent countless hours finding new routes into and out of the African bush. While the Society probably wanted him to spend more time just settling into a particular area as a missionary, David sensed his calling to be one of genuine "pioneer missions." And without a doubt, God used him to open up Africa to world missions for His own glory in the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Here are two links that will prove very useful to you if you want to learn more about this amazing Scotsman who relished the love of a far more amazing Savior!
Here is a picture taken by my sister last year in Scotland of a statue commemorating Livingstone's encounter with a lion that left him gimpy in the left arm for the rest of his life:
Oh that God might raise up more men among us who are willing to face the lions to get the Gospel to the ends of the earth!
Soli Deo Gloria!
by Keith McWhorter