Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

For the last two Sundays, I have been preaching from Psalm 122. Trying to tackle what some pastors and theologians would say is a nearly impossible subject: A right or biblical view of "Jerusalem" and "Israel" and how Christians might view even present-day Israel as a geo-political nation. To be sure, Bible-believing Christians have, and continue to disagree on this matter. So, right off the bat, we note it's not a "heaven or hell" issue. Like eschatology (end times views), we should approach it humbly and charitably.

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Hoosiers, Abolish Abortion! 

Several months ago, a sister in Christ and pro-life leader whom I deeply love and respect made the comment that pro-life legislation in both Kentucky and Indiana has been and continues to definitely save the lives of pre-born babies. Since the overturn of Roe, the pro-life pregnancy centers she's connected to have been seeing significant increases in clients, as well as increases in mothers choosing to give birth to their babies. For that reality we can only give all praise and glory to God, the Creator of Life!

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Merry Christmas?

The penchant of some Christians today to shun all semblance of celebrating various holidays, even those seemingly quite "Christian," such as Christmas or Easter, amuses me. And the fact that we feel the need to debate such things, is also, amusing, or maybe worse, saddening.

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Praise and Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a distinctly American holiday. More than that, it is distinctly Christian. What person, so pursued and gripped by the saving love and grace of God in Christ Jesus, could do anything but offer his or her life as a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God? Eph 5:20; Phil 4:6; Col 3:17; 1 Thess 5:18

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Sin Is Sin. Or Is It?

"God loves Satan just as much as He does you and me and everyone."

That was what a prominent deacon in a church I attended long ago said during a Wednesday night Bible study. We were studying the enemy of God's people, called Satan or the devil or the serpent. I was a new seminary student at the time, and although I was not then and am not now a world class Bible scholar, I knew enough to prevent me from staying silent. I spoke up, hopefully with respect and kindness.

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Ready, Set, Vote!

The United States of America is an anomaly. An historic anomaly.

Our Constitutional Republic is unique in human history. The average citizen's opportunity and ability to both access and impact public policy at all levels, local to federal, is historically unprecedented. Our freedoms to picket and protest and petition and even personally pester our elected officials is unheard of in the vast majority of the world. We are a blessed people!

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"When you eat and are full, then take care lest you forget the Lord, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery" (Deuteronomy 6:11-12).

We have a tendency to forget.

It's our nature. Our fallen, sinful nature. To forget.

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Burying My Heroes

I am running low on living heroes.

Men need heroes. Of that I am convinced. And not just long-dead heroes, although we need those too. Men need living heroes. "Remember your leaders, those who spoke the Word of God to you . . . and imitate their faith" (Heb 13:7).

I had four living heroes. Three were what I call my "Preaching Giants" and one is my Missionary Giant. The Missionary Giant is still living and would not want me to name him or say anything else about him at this point. So, I focus here on my Preaching Heroes. I had three. Dad. David Miller. Albert Mohler. I am now down to just one.

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 A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

By now, the picture of a bloodied Donald Trump surrounded by secret service agents with his fist held in the air has been viewed innumerable times around the world. No doubt, it will come to define the former President's legacy. It certainly does speak volumes of his fighting spirit.

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God Bless America

Our Nation is about to celebrate her 248th Birthday!

Hating the United States of America seems to be replacing baseball as our national pastime these days. Sadly, this is becoming more and more so even among some Christians. While it's one thing to despise all sin, including our own and our national sins, it's entirely another thing to view our Nation as something to be denounced or abhorred or destroyed.

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