Posts filed under Culture War

Partiality by Vaccination

The lack of biblical discernment among several big name evangelical leaders and churches is now beyond disturbing.  More and more reports of a new form of church segregation are popping up around the nation.  Ironically, some of the same pastors and leaders who have been slowly but surely drinking the Kool Aid of wokeness, which claims its aim is “antiracism,” are now encouraging if not outright instituting the sin of partiality in their churches!    

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God has ordained government as the earthly authority with the power of the sword (Rom 13:1-7).  Governments are all accountable to the King of kings for how they rule (Dan 4; Rev 18).  Governments are beholden to God’s Word to discern good from evil.  The Bible is replete, however, with examples of earthly rulers and governments who refused to stay in their lane.  Kings who became tyrants. Governments who were godless.  The form of government matters, you see, because certain forms lend themselves more effectively to accountability before God and the citizenry.  The Doctrine of Depravity (mankind is inherently sinful, willfully wicked, and impacted in all his faculties by sin) warns us about placing too much authority into the hands of a single person, or a single entity.    

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A United Democratic Front

“Woe to you who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).  

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O How the Mighty Are Fallen!

“Your glory, O Israel, is slain on your high places!  O how the mighty are fallen!”  (2 Sam 1:19)

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The State As God

A pastor friend recently posted this citation from R. J. Rushdoony, from page 111 of his book The Politics of Guilt and Pity.  I thought it worth posting again here:

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Education or Indoctrination?

Things have been heating up at local school board meetings all across our nation. 

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“Harassment Free” Abortions

On Thursday, May 20th, the Louisville Metro Council voted 14-11 to allow healthcare facilities to create “buffer zones” or “safety zones” around their entrances. 

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Leadership by Executive Order

In his first 100 days, President Biden has signed 42 Executive Orders.  He signed 21 in his first week in office!  That’s compared to 4 in the first week for President Trump, and 5 in President Obama’s first week.  There’s little question that this President intends to lead our nation by Executive Order.  

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Stimulus Or Socialism?

It seems the US government has an endless supply of money.  They just keep sending us checks, don’t they?  Maybe like me, you are wondering how this is possible!  I mean, aren’t we trillions of dollars in debt?  And, maybe like me, you do not want another check from the government.  I have written my legislators multiple times begging them to stop sending me unsolicited checks.  Rather, just continue to guard my freedom and God-given right to work hard and earn a living wage.  

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The Language of the Unheard

“But in the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery and walk in lies; they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one turns from his evil; all of them have become like Sodom to Me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah” (Jeremiah 23:14).  

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